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Florida is the only state to skip pre-ordering Covid-19 vaccines for kids


The Florida Department of Health, through a statement, said Wednesday that it did not place an order with the federal government for vaccine doses for kids five and under in part because it doesn’t advise all children get vaccinated. The deadline for placing a pre-order was Tuesday and 49 other states met the cutoff date...

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White House shifts COVID-19 funds due to stalemate on new money


In the shift, $5 billion will go towards buying updated vaccines for the fall, $4.9 billion will go towards buying an additional 10 million courses of the Pfizer treatment Paxlovid and $300 million will go to buying more monoclonal antibody treatments...

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French medics protest hospital crisis, deepened by COVID

Nine unions and collectives organized a day of protest, including a demonstration outside the Health Ministry in Paris and in dozens of other towns and cities, to call the government’s attention to growing concerns about staff shortages.

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Misinformation Doctors enjoy political platforms

Two of the most visible right-wing, conservative political movements in the U.S. right now -- "Defeat the Mandates" and the "ReAwaken America" tour -- have extensive involvement from physicians who have been flagged for spreading medical misinformation.

Their names often appear on the featured speakers' list at both events: Robert Malone, MD; Peter McCullough, MD; Pierre Kory, MD; and Simone Gold, MD, JD, among others.

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Analysis: U.S. counties that voted for Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls

Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls

Even with widely available vaccines and newly effective treatments, residents of counties that went heavily for Donald Trump in the last presidential election are more than twice as likely to die from COVID-19 than those that live in areas that went for President Biden. That's according to a newly-updated analysis from NPR, examining how partisanship and misinformation are shaping the pandemic.

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NPR examined COVID deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which most Americans could find a vaccine if they wanted one. Those living in counties that voted 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.26 times the death rate of those that went by the same margin for Biden. Counties with a higher share of Trump votes had even higher mortality rates.

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