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President Obama Signs Flood Insurance Bill Into Law

President Barack Obama signs flood insurance bill into law.
(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) - by Bruce Alpert - March 21, 2014

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama Friday signed into law hard-fought legislation that will limit flood insurance premium increases to no more than 18 percent a year.

White House officials called Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., shortly after 1 p.m. CT to say the bill is now law.


(CLICK HERE - H.R. 3370)

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coalition of concerned Canarsie neighbors

Subject: Stop Unfair NYC  Property Tax Increases Now
Hi Neighbors
We created a petition to NYC Commissioner of Finance, Beth E. Goldman, City Councilman Alan Maisel, NYC Mayor Bill deBlasio:
"We, a coalition of Canarsie homeowners, tenants paying property taxes and purchasers hereby request:(1) NYC Department of Finance to lower assessed tax rate and (2) outreach to taxpayers by suspending the placement of property tax liens on property owners financially impaired by sewage back-ups and by the devastation of Superstorm Sandy. We ask that property owners   be given more time and the opportunity to make reasonable payment arrangements. We encourage Canarsie property owners or their designated representative to contest property tax increases by March 17, 2014. Please sign this petition and submit Grievance Form  RF-524 to NYC Dept of Finance./Office of Real Property Services."
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
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Video - Sandy - Storm Surge

submitted by Albert Gomez

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Market Forces Sap the Power from Electric Utilities - by John Finnigan - March 10, 2014

Two seemingly unrelated announcements drew much attention in the electric utility industry recently. First, the Edison Electric Institute, the trade group for the U.S. electric utility industry, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) jointly recommended (PDF) changing how utilities should be regulated. Second, Duke Energy announced it will sell 13 Midwest merchant power plants.


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Citing Urgent Need, U.S. Calls on Hospitals to Hone Disaster Plans


After high water from Hurricane Katrina inundated their nursing home, residents waited for assistance in New Orleans in 2005. Federal officials are trying to avoid these types of situations with new requirements for health care providers ahead of emergencies. Credit Mario Tama/Getty Images - by Sheri Fink - March 11, 2014

Federal officials are proposing sweeping new requirements for American health care facilities — from large hospitals to small group homes for the mentally disabled — intended to ensure their readiness to care for patients during disasters.

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State Consultant Slams Fracking

submitted by Margery Schab - by Scott Waldman - March 7, 2014

ALBANY—A consultant hired by the state Health Department to assist in a review of the health effects of fracking recently published a study that concluded “substantial concerns and major uncertainties” should be resolved before it is expanded nationally.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has indicated that his final, long-awaited decision on whether to permit fracking will depend on the department's findings. 

John Adgate, of the Colorado School of Public Health, surveyed a number of recent health-related studies of fracking and published his findings last month in the Environmental Science & Technology journal.


CLICK HERE - STUDY - Potential Public Health Hazards, Exposures and Health Effects from Unconventional Natural Gas Development

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House Passes U.S. Flood-Insurance Rate Bill Backed by Realtors


Manuel Sanchez takes in the view of his flooded home and property on September 14, 2013 in La Salle, Colorado. Photographer: Marc Piscotty/Getty Images by James Rowley - March 4, 2014

The U.S. House passed legislation trimming premiums for government-sponsored flood insurance

The measure would limit premium increases to 18 percent per policy or 15 percent of an average of premiums in a particular flood zone.

The House bill, H.R. 3370, must be reconciled with legislation passed by the Democratic-controlled Senate that House Republican leaders said would roll back too many of the 2012 law’s changes. The Senate bill is S. 1926.


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Sequence of Assistance - Disaster Human Services Programs


submitted by Seth Golbey - January 21, 2014
Voluntary Agencies Group Supervisor


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Sandy Resiliency Among Top Priorities of New DEP Commissioner


Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Maya Wiley, at right, as his counsel; Emily Loyd, first left, as his Department of Environment Protection Commissioner, and Donna M. Corrado, far right, as Department of Aging Commissioner. (Photo - New York City Mayor's Office Twitter Account) - by Jillian Jorgensen - February 18, 2014

CITY HALL -- Mayor Bill de Blasio announced three appointments to his administration Tuesday, including a new Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner who said Hurricane Sandy rebuilding and resiliency efforts will be among her top priorities.

De Blasio named Emily Loyd to the top DEP post - one that she held previously from 2005 to 2009. She was most recently Administrator of Prospect Park and President of the Prospect Park Alliance.


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