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Rockaways Resilience Network Working Group

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This working group is focused on resilience efforts in Rockaway.

The mission of this working group is to focus on resilience efforts in Rockaway.

Working Group email address:



Albert Gomez Alisa Keesey Alison Thompson Amanda Cole Andrew Larsen ARFARF
Bob Ross bsteckler Cat Graham Christina Karaba EvertB Greg Horwitch
Jeff Williams John Hoffman John Wysham Jonathan Rose Kathy Gilbeaux Katie Rast
kevinjones Linton Wells Little Dennis Lulu Mayorga Maeryn Obley Mary Beth Harvey
mdmcdonald Melissa Berman Michael Gresalfi Michelle Cortez Mike Taylor Natalie West
Rahul Gupta Rebekkah Thompson Samuel Bendett spraissman Tom McGinn Walter Meyer

Email address for group


Submitted by Andi Broffman, World Cares Center


CONTAINER HOME: Couple Moves into Stacked Shipping Container Home in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Submitted by Samuel Bendett



This is great evidence of the ongoing use of shipping containers as homes - the vast potential for such material has been widely discussed and put into practice(with various results) in HA/DR environments following major disasters, most notably Haiti earthquake. By conservative estimates, there are millions of empty shipping containers around the world that can be potentially converted into temporary, semi-permanent and permanent dwellings following disasters and emergencies. The actual and realistic potential for HA/DR situations is worth exploring

NYCC - Forgotten - How the City Has Failed Sandy Victims in The Rockaways

submitted by David Perez

The mold and habitability crisis in the Rockaways is unfortunately getting worse rather than improving. . . Fortunately, there is a simple solution.

According to the Office of the Public Advocate, FEMA will not reimburse homeowners for mold remediation; the agency will, however, compensate New York City for costs incurred due to mold. Mayor Bloomberg and New York City should implement a mold and sheetrock removal program immediately that stops the public health crisis and reimburses homeowners for expenses related to mold remediation. It is in the power of the city to take action, but it has refused to do so in a comprehensive, holistic way that would be cost-effective, efficient, and responsible.

NYCC - Forgotten - How the City Has Failed Sandy Victims in The Rockaways (6 page .PDF report)


Submitted by Peter B. Gudaitis, M.Div.
Dear NYDIS Members & National VOAD Site Managers:
If you have or will be operating in the Rockaways or Broad Channel, please attend this Hot Wash. Your input and participation are key to the learning process, resilience and recovery planning.
Faithfully, Peter

Minutes - Fourth Rockaways and Broad Channel Long Term Recover Group Meeting

February21, 2013

6:30 PM
454 Beach 67th Street

Mission Statement: The Rockaways and Broad Channel Long Term Recovery Group provides collaboration, resource identification and allocation and advocacy for individuals and families who reside in the Rockaways and Broad Channel areas affected by Superstorm Sandy an all hazardous disasters.

(SEE ATTACHMENT - Minutes - Fourth Rockaways and Broad Channel Long Term Recover Group Meeting)

Lifting a Town to Escape the Next Storm

shore community

Photo by Fred R. Conrad/ The New York Times - by Peter Applebome - February 22, 2013

HIGHLANDS, N.J. — If not for the most deadly natural disaster in American history, in Texas, and an innovative response to it, more than a century ago, one might briskly consign the proposal to save this oft-flooded borough at the northern end of the Jersey Shore to the realm of pigs with wings.

But four months after Hurricane Sandy almost obliterated downtown Highlands, an unlikely idea with one enormous historical antecedent seems to be taking hold here: Don’t just raise the buildings. Raise the town.

INVITATION: Rockaway & Broad Channel Long Term Recovery Meeting

WHEN:  Thursday February 21st  from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: 454 beach 67th St. Battalion Church

WHAT: The goal of  these meetings is to give you an opportunity to join together and work toward a consolidated recovery effort. Please join us and share your resources with others in the Rockaway and Broad Channel community. 


1. Committee Breakout Session

2. Committee Report to the Larger Group

3. Presentation SBA

4. Announcement Sandy Hot Wash 2/28/13

Also please see attached the minutes from last weeks steering committee meeting. 

Hope to see you there!

Leni Calas
Founder - The Mamas Network

Storm’s Toll Creeps Inland, 4 Tiny Feet at a Time


Photo by Julie Glassberg/ The New York Times - by Cara Buckley - February 6th, 2013

At first, Sarah Heming thought it was one of her dogs pitter-pattering across the second floor of her two-story rental in Brooklyn Heights late at night. But the sounds intensified in places where the dogs just couldn’t go; there was frantic scrabbling in the walls, followed by weighty thuds, and squeaks. There was scampering under the stove.

[Read Complete Article]

Post-Sandy Real Estate A Different World In The Rockaways

submitted by Dennis Saleeby

CBS News- January 29, 2013

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Parts of the Rockaways were lined with oceanfront dream homes just months ago, but following Superstorm Sandy, they have been left falling apart.

“I looked at my husband and I remember saying, ‘I lost my business,’” said Lisa Jackson, a real estate agent with Rockaway Properties. “We lost so many homes.”

Jackson once showed shining houses on the sea. Now, she has no choice but to sell homes torn to pieces.



howdy folks
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