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New York - Hurricane Sandy - Grants and Resources

submitted by Seth Golbey

April 9, 2014

New York - Hurricane Sandy - Disaster Recovery Resources

New York - Hurricane Sandy - Grants Information: Funders, Resources, and Grant Writing Tool


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FEMA - Overview - Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act

submitted by Seth Golbey - March 28, 2014

A fact sheet about the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordabillity Act of 2014. This law repeals and modifies certain provisions of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act and makes additional program changes to other aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program.


Overview - Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act
(5 page .PDF file)

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President Obama Signs Flood Insurance Bill Into Law

President Barack Obama signs flood insurance bill into law.
(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) - by Bruce Alpert - March 21, 2014

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama Friday signed into law hard-fought legislation that will limit flood insurance premium increases to no more than 18 percent a year.

White House officials called Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., shortly after 1 p.m. CT to say the bill is now law.


(CLICK HERE - H.R. 3370)

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New Jersey's Handling of Superstorm Sandy Funds Questioned


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie takes questions at a town hall meeting last week in Toms River, N.J. “I never promised you, nor would I, that this was going to be mistake-free,” he said of delivering aid after Superstorm Sandy. (Mel Evans / Associated Press / March 4, 2014)

With many homeowners still waiting for help, officials including Gov. Chris Christie – already battered by the George Washington Bridge scandal – have been accused of incompetence or even favoritism in delivering federal recovery money. - by Joseph Tanfani - March 12, 2014

POMONA, N.J. — His state wrecked and reeling from Superstorm Sandy, Chris Christie made himself the face of New Jersey's comeback effort with a take-charge tour de force that became a cornerstone of an expected run for president.

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House Passes U.S. Flood-Insurance Rate Bill Backed by Realtors


Manuel Sanchez takes in the view of his flooded home and property on September 14, 2013 in La Salle, Colorado. Photographer: Marc Piscotty/Getty Images by James Rowley - March 4, 2014

The U.S. House passed legislation trimming premiums for government-sponsored flood insurance

The measure would limit premium increases to 18 percent per policy or 15 percent of an average of premiums in a particular flood zone.

The House bill, H.R. 3370, must be reconciled with legislation passed by the Democratic-controlled Senate that House Republican leaders said would roll back too many of the 2012 law’s changes. The Senate bill is S. 1926.


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Sequence of Assistance - Disaster Human Services Programs


submitted by Seth Golbey - January 21, 2014
Voluntary Agencies Group Supervisor


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New York Hurricane Sandy - Grants Information: Funders, Resources, and Grant Writing Tool – February 10, 2014

Prepared by Heriberto Martinez, PCP
Voluntary Agency Liaison Deputy Group Supervisor
Federal Emergency Management Agency

New York Hurricane Sandy
Grants Information: Funders, Resources, and Grant Writing Tool February 10, 2014

(CLICK ON ATTACHMENT BELOW - 154 page Word document)


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Preliminary Allocations - Sandy Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) Funding

CLICK HERE - full list of preliminary allocations.

Governor Cuomo announced that $200 million has been awarded to more than 450 healthcare and human service providers and other community-based organizations following the impact of Superstorm Sandy. The federal Superstorm Sandy Social Services Block Grant is designed to cover unreimbursed expenses resulting from the storm, including social, health and mental health services for individuals, and for repair, renovation and rebuilding of health care facilities, mental hygiene facilities, child care facilities and other social services facilities.

The grants will provide approximately $65 million for repair, rebuilding and renovation costs resulting from Superstorm Sandy; $52 million for unreimbursed operating costs during and after Sandy; $70 million for ongoing or new services to meet the continuing needs of Sandy-impacted New Yorkers; and $11 million for other eligible health and social services costs.

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Key Senate Vote on Flood Insurance Rate Delay Pushed to Next Week - by Andrew G. Simpson - January 7, 2014

The U.S. Senate is expected to take a key vote soon on a bill that would delay some of the flood insurance rate hikes triggered by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. . .

. . . The procedural vote on S.1846 was originally planned for Wednesday, but the Senate is still dealing with an extension of federal unemployment benefits, delaying consideration of the flood bill. U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), a major advocate for the bill, told USA Today that  “next week is more realistic” for any vote on the flood bill.


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