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A New Car-Share System Could Change the Urban Landscape


A new car-share system could change the urban landscape William Lark, Jr., MIT Media Lab - by Jillian Rose Lim - April 16, 2014

Traffic congestion, limited space and air pollution are a few of the many plagues of urban life. But what if a network of svelte electric cars were waiting at hubs in your city, charging up their batteries until their next drivers come along?


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Canarsie Community <Light our Way to Recovery> October 29, 2013, Canarsie Park 6:30pm

 Light Our Way To Recovery is a candlelight commemorative gathering of the constituents of the Canarsie community, one of the many disaster impacted communities on the Eastern USA coastline. This event is given in remembrance of those persons who lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Sandy; to honor the people who volunteered and who continue to help; to highlight the need for support for Canarsie disaster victims who continue to struggle to rebuild, recover and survive the emotional maelstrom caused by the life changing events of October 29th 2012. 

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Report: A New Direction - Our Changing Relationship with Driving and the Implications for America’s Future

Released by: U.S. PIRG Education Fund Release date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Driving Boom—a six decade-long period of steady increases in per-capita driving in the United States—is over.

Americans drive fewer total miles today than we did eight years ago, and fewer per person than we did at the end of Bill Clinton’s first term. The unique combina­tion of conditions that fueled the Driving Boom—from cheap gas prices to the rapid expansion of the workforce during the Baby Boom generation—no longer exists. Meanwhile, a new generation—the Mil­lennials—is demanding a new American Dream less dependent on driving.


Report:  A New Direction - Our Changing Relationship with Driving and the Implications for America’s Future (69 page .PDF file)

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Bloomberg Sets 3+ Carpool Rule to Drive into Manhattan - November 1st, 2012 - Amy Sara Clark

Following the onslaught of cars that brought traffic to a standstill in much of New York City Wednesday, the city is requiring Manhattan-bound cars to have at least three passengers for the next two days.

“The streets just cannot handle the number of cars that have tried to come in,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference Wednesday afternoon.

Only vehicles with three or more people will be able to cross the Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg and Queensboro bridges between 6 a.m. and midnight on Thursday and Friday on the Manhattan-bound side.


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