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Vaccination plays role in making Omicron waves less severe--new study

A new analysis suggests that the Omicron variant has comparable intrinsic severity to the ancestral (Wuhan) SARS-CoV-2 strain, but its effective severity is substantially lower because of vaccination.


Case-patients with at least one dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or CoronaVac vaccine had significantly lower odds of mortality than unvaccinated patients, the authors said, with the lowest odds observed in people who had received three Pfizer doses (odds ratio, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.49).



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COVID-19's possible effects on chronic pain, sperm count--studies

A moderate or severe COVID-19 infection may be a risk factor for chronic pain, according to a study published late last week in PLOS One.


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US intelligence still divided on COVID-19 origins but new report rejects some points raised by lab leak theory proponents

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials released an intelligence report Friday that rejected some points raised by those who argue COVID-19 leaked from a Chinese lab, instead reiterating that American spy agencies remain divided over how the pandemic began.

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WHO says reported levels of global COVID-19 decrease as XBB.1.5 seen across Europe, US

The World Health Organization (WHO) posted its weekly epidemiologic update yesterday on  COVID-19, which shows decreases in new cases across all global regions. All regions, except Africa, also reported decreases in deaths from the virus.

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About 1 in 10 health workers had suicidal thoughts early in COVID-19 --study

As many as 1 in 10 UK healthcare workers (HCWs) had suicidal thoughts during the first year of the pandemic, according to a study yesterday in PLOS One. The findings contribute to a growing body of knowledge concerning the mental health strains experienced by health professionals over the past 3 years.


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