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WHO finds signs of health system recoveries, European group cites lessons learned


The World Health Organization (WHO) has been tracking health system impacts since the early days of the pandemic, and its latest survey of countries shows that health services are starting to recover, according to new findings..

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Situation analysis of Covid status --Experts comment on present and future

Deaths from Covid-19 in the United States are the lowest they’ve been since March 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data tracker. Case rates have similarly plummeted, though infections have become harder to track because of the widespread availability of at-home rapid tests; many of the monitoring systems that were set up at the beginning of the pandemic have also been wound down.

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Increased physical activity associated with lower risk of severe COVID-19 --study

A South Korean study shows a complex relationship between moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and COVID-19, with a regular exercise habit linked to COVID-19 infection early in the pandemic but also associated with a significantly lower risk of developing severe symptoms. The study was published yesterday in JAMA Network Open.


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