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COVID Omicron variant infection deadlier than flu, two studies suggest

Two new studies suggest that COVID-19 Omicron variant infection is deadlier than influenza, with one finding that US veterans hospitalized with Omicron in fall and winter 2022-23 died at a 61% higher rate than hospitalized flu patients, and the other revealing that Israeli adults hospitalized with flu were 55% less likely to die within 30 days than those admitted for Omicron in the 2021-22 flu season.


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Analysis: Researchers need to settle on universal long-COVID definition

A literature search and analysis of 295 long-COVID studies finds that only 35% used agency-established definitions of the condition, which the authors said complicates comparison of findings, translation into clinical management, and cost-effectiveness assessment.


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Analysis: Pandemic preparedness strategies must go beyond vaccines


Once a pathogen of pandemic potential has emerged, an effective response that relies on medical countermeasures (e.g., prophylactic, therapeutic, and diagnostic technologies) must be deployed at scale immediately. Thus, medical countermeasures need to be readily available for use at the first signals that a pathogen of concern has surfaced.


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Global COVID cases fall overall athough cases rising in several areas --WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) in its weekly pandemic update said yesterday that COVID-19 cases and deaths declined over the last month, but added that levels are rising in 31% of countries, especially in two world regions.

Cases rise in India and the Middle East

Also, the WHO on March 30 added one more variant under monitoring to its list, XBB.1.9.1.



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ANALYSIS: U.S. energy sector transitioning to cleaner energy, spurred by economics, government programs

The U.S. energy sector is undergoing a fundamental transition to a cleaner and more distributed future. Increasingly favorable economics, corporate commitments, and state and federal actions, like the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act, are all spurring the deployment of renewable energy resources.


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