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Congregation SFARD AAA 1385 East 94th Street, Canarsie, NY 11236 (bet Avenues K & L)


Learn about the Ancient Art of Herbology    Instructor Mr. Sebert Harper 

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Block and Tenant Associations Workshop Schedule

February – March 2014


All of the following interactive workshops will be held at

1385 East 94th St, bet Avenues K and L


Who should attend:  

All Canarsiens interested in starting or strengthening a Block, Condo/Coop, or Tenant Association



Date:  Tuesday, February 18

Topic:  Canarsie Resilience: Building a Stronger Community Block by-Block

  • Discussion of Block/Tenant/Condo workshops series
  • Learn more about NY Resiliency and  Bridge Streetservices

Work Group Assignment: Participants will review and begin completing a 12-month action plan


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FEMA Enlists Designers to Rethink Disaster Relief - by Kyle VanHemert - February 6, 2014

One of the bigger themes in Frog’s workshops following Sandy was thinking about ways for FEMA to empower the community relief efforts that spring up organically after disasters strike.

“One thing that we noticed during our research during Sandy is that communities help themselves.”  One of Frog’s proposals was to formalize this process with “Franchise DRCs."  The idea is that FEMA could create partnerships with national chains, like Starbucks, Ikea, Home Depot or Verizon, whose outposts would get kits with setup instructions, signage and supplies. These locations would act as semi-official, community-run DRCs, which FEMA could build upon once they had people on the ground.


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Design & Politics: Competing for Resilience

Rebuild By Design Event: 

Design & Politics: Competing for Resilience<

The first of three design debates moderated by Henk Ovink, Senior Advisor to Secretary Shaun Donovan of Housing and Urban Development, to be held at the Syracuse University Fisher Center, 19 E 31st Street.
Wednesday February 19, 2014, 6-8:30pm
"on process"
If the goal of a process is to drive a new level of resilience across a region, then the boundaries in which resilience efforts are typically conceived and implemented need to be restructured. Design is the mode of response put forth by RBD. The standard model for federal design competitions is to define an existing problem and solicit solutions from the best in the field. Yet, as highlighted by Sandy, the challenges of resilience defy political and disciplinary boundaries. 




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What is My Base Flood Elevation (BFE)? Address Lookup Tool (Formerly What is My ABFE?)

What is My Base Flood Elevation (BFE)? Address Lookup Tool (Formerly What is My ABFE?)
The interactive 'What is My BFE?' tool below can help you compare the current effective and the revised FEMA flood hazard data available for your propertyGet information for your property in three easy steps:
Help connect individuals to the information they need to make informed decisions by sharing these resources via your website, blog, social networks, and other communication channels
Final Draft 2014 NYC Hazard Mitigation Plan
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New York Hurricane Sandy - Grants Information: Funders, Resources, and Grant Writing Tool – February 10, 2014

Prepared by Heriberto Martinez, PCP
Voluntary Agency Liaison Deputy Group Supervisor
Federal Emergency Management Agency

New York Hurricane Sandy
Grants Information: Funders, Resources, and Grant Writing Tool February 10, 2014

(CLICK ON ATTACHMENT BELOW - 154 page Word document)


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Bulletin - New York Recovery Network

January 23, 2014 - Issue No. 20

The New York Recovery Network is a platform providing access to information and connection to other professionals involved in New York’s recovery from Hurricane Sandy.

CLICK HERE - New York Recovery Network -

CLICK HERE - E-Bulletin - Stormwater Management
May 28, 2014 (11 page .PDF file)

CLICK HERE - NYRN - Infographic

(1 page .PDF file)

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Community Resilience Techniques

CLICK HERE - Community Resilience Techniques
A compilation of approaches used to increase resilience
(124 page .PDF report)


WHAT THIS document IS . . .

• A collection of approaches that have been used
by communities and countries around the
world to increase their resilience
  1. Specifically to address the following hazards:
flooding, storm surge, intense rainfall,
strong winds and debris
  2. Generally to increase non-hazard specific
resilience through – redundancy, learning,
community preparedness and emergency
response capacity

• Approaches are categorized according to seven
management measures and a systemic-resilience
category: (i) conserve, enhance, and restore; (ii) resilient construction; (iii) structural defenses; (iv) land-use planning and regulation; (v) market-based methods; (vi) social elements; and (vii) systemic resilience

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NYC Recovery

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New Yorkers living and working in communities affected by Hurricane Sandy face many challenges as they rebuild their homes, restore their businesses and get their lives back to normal. This site provides access to information on the City's efforts to help New Yorkers recover from the devastating effects of the storm.

New York Governor Announces $1 Billion For Solar Energy

Solar panels. CREDIT: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Image: Solar panels. CREDIT: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan - January 9th, 2014 - Kiley Kroh

New York governor Andrew Cuomo delivered his State of the State address on Wednesday and announced an even greater commitment to clean energy, including $1 billion in new funding for solar energy projects.

Launched in 2012, Cuomo’s NY-Sun Initiative has already been a tremendous success, with almost 300 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic capacity installed or under development, more than was installed in the entire decade prior to the program.

Now with another major financial boost, Cuomo aims to install 3,000 (MW) of solar across New York.


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