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Covid-19 deaths have dropped below 1,000 a day as summer surge tails off

CNN)Declines in the average number of daily Covid-19 deaths and in new cases indicate that the virus' summer surge through the US is waning.

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Billions in Hospital Virus Aid Rested on Compliance With Private Vendor --NY Times

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration tied billions of dollars in badly needed coronavirus medical funding this spring to hospitals’ cooperation with a private vendor collecting data for a new Covid-19 database that bypassed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The highly unusual demand, aimed at hospitals in coronavirus hot spots using funds passed by Congress with no preconditions, alarmed some hospital administrators and even some federal health officials.

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Work by researchers in Hong Kong founds that reinfection may be possible in rare cases.

Researchers in Hong Kong are reporting the first confirmed case of reinfection with the coronavirus.

“An apparently young and healthy patient had a second case of Covid-19 infection which was diagnosed 4.5 months after the first episode,” University of Hong Kong researchers said Monday in a statement.

The report is of concern because it suggests that immunity to the coronavirus may last only a few months in some people. And it has implications for vaccines being developed for the virus.

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WHO says plasma therapy still ‘experimental’ --plus other developments

GENEVA — The World Health Organization says using plasma from the recovered to treat COVID-19 is still considered an “experimental” therapy and that the preliminary results showing it may work are still “inconclusive.”

President Donald Trump on Sunday approved an emergency authorization of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients.

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