At Gillibrand Urging, FEMA Extends Deadline for Thousands of Superstorm Sandy Victims Living in Temporary Hotels and Motels

With Aid Set to Expire this Sunday, FEMA Provides Two-Week Extension for 2,400 New York Families Still Living in Hotels and Motels - January 11, 2013

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) today announced that FEMA granted a two-week extension that allows an estimated 2,400 New York residents displaced from Superstorm Sandy to temporarily live in hotels and motels through January 27, 2013. With an upcoming deadline looming for displaced residents who would have been forced to leave their temporary shelters this Sunday, Senator Gillibrand pressed FEMA Administrator Fugate earlier this week to extend their stay as they continue to rebuild in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

“This reprieve for New Yorkers displaced by the storm by FEMA is critically needed” said Senator Gillibrand. “We must ensure that families whose lives and homes have been uprooted by this unprecedented disaster have the emergency help and shelter they need to begin to rebuild. Congress must now fulfill its obligation and pass a fully funded disaster relief package to provide families and small businesses throughout the Northeast region the long term help required to rebuild.”

Far Above the Flooding, Yet Still Feeling a Hurricane’s Sting

Coming Back: A View of the Rockaways: A month after Hurricane Sandy, residents of a low-income housing development in Queens are still coping with a loss of power and water shut-offs.  By Sarah Maslin Nir and Emma Cott

The New York Times - By Sarah Maslin Nir - December 7, 2012

How the Coastline Became a Place to Put the Poor

City's Coastline

Photo by Meyer Liebowitz - by Jonathan Mahler - December 3rd, 2012

In retrospect, after the storm, it looked like a perverse stroke of urban planning. Many of New York City’s most vulnerable people had been housed in its most vulnerable places: public housing projects along the water, in areas like the Rockaways, Coney Island, Red Hook and Alphabet City.

How is it possible that the same winding, 538-mile coastline that has recently been colonized by condominium developers chasing wealthy New Yorkers, themselves chasing waterfront views, had been, for decades, a catch basin for many of the city’s poorest residents? The answer is a combination of accident, grand vision and political expedience.

[Read Complete Article]

NYC Rapid Repairs / NYC Restore / conEdison - Restoring Service

submitted by Gary Vroegindewey

NYC Rapid Repairs is a program to make your home safe for return. The City is working with contractors to assess damage to your home from Hurricane Sandy and make the necessary repairs so that you and your family can have safe power and heat in your home. NYC Rapid Repairs is a program for property owners in the five boroughs. If you rent your home and there are unsafe conditions, call 311.

To be eligible for this program, your home must be deemed structurally safe by the NYC Department of Buildings as denoted by a Yellow or Green placard on your door, or no placard at all. You can still sign up for NYC Rapid Repairs if there is a Red placard on your door, but additional repairs will be necessary before your home is deemed structurally safe. If you have any questions about what you need to do to transition your home from a Red to a Yellow or Green placard, call 311.

NYC Rapid Repairs (page 1 of 5 .PDF pages)

Sandy Recovery: Staten Island Residents Frustrated

ABC News - November 30, 2012

Angry crowd packs town hall meeting, upset over lack of help after the storm.

Friends of Rockaway Beach to rally this Sunday, at 1 p.m. on Beach 86th St., to get residents, beach-lovers and elected officials refocused on their “Demand the Sand” campaign.

Citizen Group

Just hours after Superstorm Sandy devastated Rockaway Beach, someone angrily spray-painted a message on the wall of a battered handball court:

“John Cori warned you.”

Cori, who grew up down the street on Beach 92nd St., has spent the past few years advocating for beach replenishment, new jetties and other reforms to protect the dangerously eroded shoreline.

The 49-year-old contractor does not fancy himself a soothsayer.

FOOD TRUCK Update for TODAY - November 30th, 2012

food truck

Staten Island Sandy Victims Frustrated After Being Turned Away From Storm Recovery Meeting

Hard-Hit Residents Say They Just Want To Know When They Can Rebuild

CBS News - November 29, 2012

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Buried under a mountain of debt and debris, one month to the day after Sandy, storm survivors are struggling to adjust to a new reality.

Residents are still trying to figure out where to live and if they can rebuild. Their frustrations were felt Thursday night on Staten Island at a meeting so packed many people had to be turned away.

Hundreds of victims jammed the auditorium at New Dorp High School beyond capacity, forcing hundreds of others into a hallway, fueling frustrations, CBS 2′s Emily Smith reported.


Investigation: Container Ships for Use as FEMA Housing?

submitted by Dennis Saleeby

by Jim Hoffer - November 30, 2012

NEW YORK (WABC) -- FEMA has been struggling to find housing for thousands of people who can't live in their homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

Sources say the government is now looking at using some type of vessels for temporary housing in coastal areas where so many homes were destroyed.

Anger over a lack of temporary housing for storm victims appears to be growing.

Gerritsen Beach Residents Want FEMA Trailers

submitted by Melissa Berman

by Jim Hoffer - November 29, 2012

GERRITSEN BEACH (WABC) -- There are serious, new questions about relief operations stemming from Hurricane Sandy.

FEMA is spending hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to buy trailers to provide emergency housing in case of disasters.

But with thousands of houses either destroyed or badly damaged by Sandy, why haven't those trailers been brought to our area?

The Rockaways Volunteers Thank You Party hosted by Brett Scudder

volunteer party

Direct Subway Service To Return To Rockaways In Mid-2013 via

MTA ServiceDirect subway service is not expected to return to the Rockaways in Queens until the middle of 2013, according to a Metropolitan Transportation Authority source. NY1's Michael Herzenberg filed the following report.


Expect to wait until summer for the Rockaways commute to return to normal.

Hurricane Sandy almost totally destroyed the A train tracks in Broad Channel, which connect the peninsula to the rest of the city.

Sandy May Have Shutdown Rockaway Business for good via

Sandy may have shut down Rockaway businesses for good

Up to 50 percent of local businesses may never reopen in the Rockaways, a beach community in Queens, was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. These mom and pop shops rely on the holiday season to survive, but they don’t have the funds to get back on their feet fast enough for December’s influx of shoppers. NBC’s Katy Tur reports.

FOOD TRUCK Update for TODAY - November 29th, 2012

food truck

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