Rapid Repair from FEMA

ny.cbslocal.com - November 9, 2012

'<Mayor>Bloomberg said Friday that the program called “NYC Rapid Repair” is aimed at getting as many people back into their homes as quickly as possible.

He said that starting Tuesday, New Yorkers whose homes were damaged in the storm can go to a city restoration center, get a Federal Emergency Management Agency number and sign up.

“You have to have a FEMA ID number. The FEMA ID number will be given you regardless of whether you have insurance, regardless of how much damage you have, regardless of whether you have a mortgage. Just call FEMA, they will give you a number and then you have to just ask for the assistance,” Bloomberg said.

To Contact FEMA, call 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)

He said that once a homeowner signs up, a contractor will come and assess the damage and “within a short time, the work will be done.”

Bloomberg said he expects FEMA to pay for most of the repairs.

Governor Cuomo Holds LIPA and ConEd Accountable for Response and Communication (or lack thereof)

cbsnews.com - November 6, 2012

'The Long Island Power Authority has removed some areas of Long Island and the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens from its map of power outages caused by superstorm Sandy, saying homes there are too damaged to receive electric service ... the number of customers in Rockaway affected by power outages is listed as zero. There are about 193,000 customers in Nassau and Suffolk Counties still without power...New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo slammed the state's utility companies... Cuomo said that power had been restored to all but 480,000 New Yorkers, down from 2.1 million affected by the storm. But he added that, a week after the deadly storm made landfall, such slow progress was "unacceptable," and that utilities will be "held accountable for their lack of performance,"... Con Edison has restored power to almost all Manhattan ... But Cuomo said that there is more to Con Ed's service area than just Manhattan, and accused the utility of blowing other areas off... '



Gas Rationing Begins on LI and in NYC on Friday, November 9

nydailynews.com - November 8, 2012 - Victoria Cavaliere

'Following in the footsteps of New Jersey, Mayor Bloomberg on Thursday signed "an emergency order to establish an odd-even license plate system" to cut down on wait times as consumers queue at gas stations to fill up their tanks.

The measure will go into effect at 6 a.m. Friday.

Long Island, also reeling from gas shortages following Hurricane Sandy, will begin a rationing program in Suffolk and Nassau Counties starting at 5 p.m. Friday.

Drivers with license plates ending in an even number can buy only on even-numbered days. Drivers with license plates ending in an odd number can buy on odd-numbered days. Vanity plates are considered odd.'


East End Community Heads West to Help in the Rockaways

easthampton.patch.com - November 8, 2012 - Evelyn O'Doherty

"There is enormous outcry about Hurricane Sandy and the path of destruction it left ... if you truly want to be EFFECTIVE in your response, you have to listen to the needs of the people on the ground...I was lucky enough to join Melissa Berman from East End Cares as she spearheaded an election day trip into Rockaway with a group of about 30 volunteers....Please contact East End Cares or one of the following groups to get an accurate read on what donations you might supply and especially, if you're headed west to help, get a contact on the ground to point you in the right direction. "



Should Gas Stations be Required to Have On-Site Generators? Change.org Petition Says 'YES'!

With motorists in areas ravaged by Hurricane Sandy still struggling to find gasoline, lawmakers in New York and New Jersey have vowed to introduce legislation aimed at preventing shortages in future disasters. They are seeking to mandate that gas stations maintain on-site generators so they can pump fuel even during power outages.

The gas station industry is already threatening to fight back, complaining that it should not be required to secure its own power supply when other industries do not face similar mandates.

Huffingtonpost.com - Christina Wilkie - November 5, 2012

Here is the Change.Org petition that simply states:

Make it MANDATORY for all gas stations to be equipped with generators

In a time of crisis we would still be able to fuel our cars and or generators to keep New Yorkers safe and working .We all know what happens without these generators!



Weather briefing Coastal Nor’easter November 7th-8th, 2012

Attached is a .pdf detailing the Nor'easter forecast for November 7th and 8th.

(Please note - you must login to view the attachment - kg)

New York officials warn of new Sandy crisis as temperatures plummet

Up to 40,000 people need relocating because of damage from the storm and the lack of electricity and heat. Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images

Image: Up to 40,000 people need relocating because of damage from the storm and the lack of electricity and heat. Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images

guardian.co.uk - November 4th, 2012 - Matt Williams

Authorities in the north-east United States are warning of a new crisis facing the region as cold weather heads towards tens of thousands of people who still have no power or heat and are living in homes damaged by superstorm Sandy.

While much of New York City is approaching a semblance of normality, state governor Andrew Cuomo and the city's mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday that plummeting temperatures were now one of the main threats facing residents in other stricken areas such as Staten Island and Long Island.

Cuomo warned of a "massive, massive housing problem", with up to 40,000 people – mainly residents of public housing – needing relocating because of damage from the storm and the lack of electricity and heat.

New Energy Department Team Established to Help Local Authorities Get Gas Stations Impacted by Hurricane Sandy Back Online

New toll-free number for gas station owners and managers - 1-866-402-3775
For assistance with generators and fuel to affected gas stations along the East Coast

energy.gov - November 4, 2012

WASHINGTON – As part of the government-wide effort to assist the response and recovery efforts following Hurricane Sandy, the Energy Department has established a team to assist local authorities in their efforts to help get gas stations back online.

With residents experiencing long lines at gas stations in the impacted areas, the federal government is taking immediate steps that will provide relief in the short term at the President’s direction, and working with the Department of Defense, the National Guard and the Governors of New York and New Jersey. As part of that effort, the Energy Department has established a team that is helping state and local officials identify gas stations that are in need of emergency generators to restore power or are running short on fuel supplies.

20 Pallets of Bottled WATER In Miami- Ready to go - We need shipment cost covered

We are trying to get 20 pallets of water to NYC from Miami. The cost is $2,000. We need your assistance in getting these shipment to NYC ASAP. If you can please send donation to Mike Taylor's paypal account - ***@***.***. Any help or donation is greatly appreciated!

Superstorm Sandy may lead to landfill gas explosions

Superstorm Sandy may lead to landfill gas explosions

Superstorm Sandy may Create More Landfill Gas Explosions, Engineer Says

More landfill gas migration explosion incidents may now occur as a result of Superstorm Sandy, according to one industry engineer.

The region affected by the severe storm has one of the largest concentrations of old abandoned landfill sites in the world, said waste management engineer Steve Last, who has investigated landfill gas migration explosion incidents, worked for Houston-based Waste Management Inc. and done other consulting.  He said in a news release there are “undoubtedly many thousands of such sites.

PwC: Supply Chains Threatened by Six-Degree Global Warming

PwC: Supply Chains Threatened by Six-Degree Global Warming

Risk ready: New approaches to environmental and social change

Some 85 percent of companies have more complex supply chains as a result of globalization, and adjusted climate forecasts mean businesses should expect climate change to have an even more destructive effect than previously assumed on supply chains, assets and infrastructure, according to two reports from PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The first PwC report, 10 Minutes – Risk ready: New approaches to environmental and social change, says many companies now view preparation for climate change as not only an indicator of resilience, but also as a competitive advantage.

The report, published as the northeast begins recovering from Hurricane Sandy, says the ability to anticipate — and plan for — potential weather disasters is vital. Companies should embed sustainability practices into their business models to mitigate the risks associated with these major weather events.

Sandy Slows Deliveries, Cripples Supply Chains

Sandy Slows Deliveries, Cripples Supply Chains

Companies from Amazon to railroad firm CSX are warning customers to expect delays on shipments as Hurricane Sandy continues to back up supply chains and slow deliveries leading into the holiday season.

CSX told its customers to expect delays of at least 72 hours as trains in the Northeast continue operating slowly because of power outages.

Carrier delays would likely slow Amazon orders, the online shopping giant posted, and Better World Books said there may be a delay of five to 10 business days on orders shipped to the eastern United States, the Ohio Valley, Canada and western Europe.

The two join a host of other retailers such as Diane von Furstenberg that have told customers that closed shipping facilities, slowed transportation and massive power outage will mean longer waits on deliveries, the New York Times reports.

At REI’s SoHo store in New York, employees wearing headlamps and carrying flashlights led customers around in the dark after losing power on Oct. 29. Even after the power was restored Nov. 2, employees had to manually count and order merchandise, according to the Times.


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