United States

UnitedHealth unit hack to have no credit impact on not-for-profit hospitals--rating agency says

Fitch says UnitedHealth unit hack to have no credit impact on not-for-profit hospitals

April 1 (Reuters) - Fitch does not anticipate any credit impact on not-for-profit hospitals in the United States from the cyberattack at UnitedHealth's (UNH.N) 

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HHS tells hospitals to get patient consent before invasive exams

Hospitals must obtain informed consent from patients before allowing physicians to conduct sensitive and invasive examinations, such as pelvic and prostate, particularly if the patients are under anesthesia, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said Monday. 

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A more broadly protective coronaviruse vaccine developed by U.S. researchers


Researchers develop more broadly protective coronavirus vaccine

Scientists have been searching for the optimal coronavirus vaccine since the COVID-19 pandemic started. The mRNA vaccines developed through the federal government's "Operation Warp Speed" program were a massive innovation; however, annually updating those boosters for specific SARS-CoV-2 variants is inefficient for scientists and patients.

SARS-CoV-2 is just one member of the Sarbecovirus (SARS Betacoronavirus) subfamily (others include SARS-CoV-1, which caused the 2002 SARS outbreak, as well as other viruses circulating in bats that could cause future pandemics).

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U.S. long COVID Cases rise --new CDC data

Experts worry a recent rise in long COVID cases — fueled by a spike in winter holiday infections and a decline in masking and other measures — could continue into this year.


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