Global COVID reinfection rate less than 1%, depending on variant, country, time --China Meta-analysis

COVID-conscious Americans feel abandoned by relaxed precautions

...For much of the pandemic, the scientific establishment and the COVID-cautious public were largely aligned in their desires to contain COVID-19. But as many officials argue for a more moderate approach to living with the virus, COVID-cautious individuals are increasingly the loudest voices calling for continued precautions—and, sometimes, lashing out at the scientists they feel have abandoned the cause. ...”

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Scientists study evolution of COVID in an effort to head off a resurgence

Rat droppings from New York City. Poop from dog parks in Wisconsin. Human waste from a Missouri hospital. These are some of the materials that are readying us for the next chapter of the coronavirus saga.

More than four years into the pandemic, the virus has loosened its hold on most people’s bodies and minds. But a new variant better able to dodge our immune defenses may yet appear, derailing a hard-won return to normalcy.

Scientists around the country are watching for the first signs.

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CDC study describes percentage of U.S. kids missing doctor visits during COVID pandemic

Analysis: The Burden of Getting Medical Care Can Exhaust Older Patients

Measles in Chicago spreading to nearby counties.

Some U.S. nonprofit hospitals spend less on charity care than they receive in tax breaks --study

Smaller U.S. providers and community health care centers fight to stay afloat after Change Healthcare hack

Community health centers and organizations that primarily serve low-income people are being disproportionately hurt by the biggest hack in health care history, which has disrupted payments for thousands of health care providers for a month now.

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Children with COVID but asymptomatic play key role in household spread --study

Moderna says new Covid vaccine showed stronger immune response than current version --study

Colorado is leader in effort by some states to lower drug prices without waiting for federal government

U.N agency issues "red alert" about global warming

U.S. FDA approves COVID preventive Pemgarda for immunocompromised persons


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on March 22 granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for Invivyd's monoclonal antibody to prevent COVID-19 in immunocompromised patients, which fills a gap following the withdrawal of Evusheld in January 2023.

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Measles cases surge in the U.S.; health experts plead for more vaccinations

A look at how generation Z started charities duriung the COVID-19 Pandemic


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