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OPINION: Why Can’t We See All of the Government’s Virus Data?


The Trump administration has declined to release critical data to outside public health experts that would enable them to devise strategies against the virus that has killed 223,000 Americans and counting.

Federal agencies have told us that since March they have been compiling basic data for each county and city on Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths, the timing of social distancing mandates, testing, and other factors. This information can provide insights into how combinations of public health mandates — masks, social distancing and school closures, for instance — can keep the virus spread in check.

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NEW STUDY: How the coronavirus impacts whether or not patients seek care for other health problems


The coronavirus pandemic, which has impacted American life in ways both big and small, has impacted whether or not people seek medical care for other ailments.

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Blood plasma showed no benefit in Covid-19 patients in trial — a finding that could re-energize debate

Infusing hospitalized Covid-19 patients with blood plasma from people who recovered from the disease had no effect on whether patients got sicker or died, according to the first completed randomized trial of the treatments.

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Experts: Don't count on mild flu season amid COVID-19

The Southern Hemisphere had a very light flu season in 2020, with Australia seeing only 315 cases over its winter, down 99.8% from the 130,000 cases seen in most years. But flu experts say that, while the low numbers could portend a similar scenario in the Northern Hemisphere, it would be a foolhardy not to prepare for high caseloads this winter.

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