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One Year After Sandy, HUD’S ‘Rebuild By Design’ Unveils New And Innovative Proposals To Make Region More Resilient - October 28, 2013

One year after Hurricane Sandy hit, 10 teams of international design and resiliency experts released their ideas for ways to make the region more resilient to future storms and other climate events. The Design Teams are participating in Rebuild by Design, an initiative of the President’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to rebuild the region impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The ideas – 41 in total – target communities across the region impacted by Hurricane Sandy: from the Jersey Shore to Lower Manhattan, Newtown Creek to Jamaica Bay and Rockaway, and Nassau County to Bridgeport, Connecticut.


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Market Forces Sap the Power from Electric Utilities - by John Finnigan - March 10, 2014

Two seemingly unrelated announcements drew much attention in the electric utility industry recently. First, the Edison Electric Institute, the trade group for the U.S. electric utility industry, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) jointly recommended (PDF) changing how utilities should be regulated. Second, Duke Energy announced it will sell 13 Midwest merchant power plants.


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Citing Urgent Need, U.S. Calls on Hospitals to Hone Disaster Plans


After high water from Hurricane Katrina inundated their nursing home, residents waited for assistance in New Orleans in 2005. Federal officials are trying to avoid these types of situations with new requirements for health care providers ahead of emergencies. Credit Mario Tama/Getty Images - by Sheri Fink - March 11, 2014

Federal officials are proposing sweeping new requirements for American health care facilities — from large hospitals to small group homes for the mentally disabled — intended to ensure their readiness to care for patients during disasters.

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House Passes U.S. Flood-Insurance Rate Bill Backed by Realtors


Manuel Sanchez takes in the view of his flooded home and property on September 14, 2013 in La Salle, Colorado. Photographer: Marc Piscotty/Getty Images by James Rowley - March 4, 2014

The U.S. House passed legislation trimming premiums for government-sponsored flood insurance

The measure would limit premium increases to 18 percent per policy or 15 percent of an average of premiums in a particular flood zone.

The House bill, H.R. 3370, must be reconciled with legislation passed by the Democratic-controlled Senate that House Republican leaders said would roll back too many of the 2012 law’s changes. The Senate bill is S. 1926.


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Sequence of Assistance - Disaster Human Services Programs


submitted by Seth Golbey - January 21, 2014
Voluntary Agencies Group Supervisor


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FEMA Enlists Designers to Rethink Disaster Relief - by Kyle VanHemert - February 6, 2014

One of the bigger themes in Frog’s workshops following Sandy was thinking about ways for FEMA to empower the community relief efforts that spring up organically after disasters strike.

“One thing that we noticed during our research during Sandy is that communities help themselves.”  One of Frog’s proposals was to formalize this process with “Franchise DRCs."  The idea is that FEMA could create partnerships with national chains, like Starbucks, Ikea, Home Depot or Verizon, whose outposts would get kits with setup instructions, signage and supplies. These locations would act as semi-official, community-run DRCs, which FEMA could build upon once they had people on the ground.


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U.S. Rules Bar Aid to Co-ops Hit by Sandy


Stephen Elbaz revealed mold behind the wall vinyl at a Brooklyn co-op.   Uli Seit for The New York Times - by Mireya Navarro - May 1, 2013

Since the hurricane, thousands of homeowners have been startled to discover that co-ops are largely barred from federal disaster assistance. The rules have stirred growing criticism from members of Congress from the region, who contend that the system fails to take into account how people live in New York City, where co-ops have flourished.

The lawmakers are calling for the rules to be changed, saying that as severe weather becomes more common, the region will be increasingly shortchanged in disaster aid.


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New York Governor Announces $1 Billion For Solar Energy

Solar panels. CREDIT: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Image: Solar panels. CREDIT: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan - January 9th, 2014 - Kiley Kroh

New York governor Andrew Cuomo delivered his State of the State address on Wednesday and announced an even greater commitment to clean energy, including $1 billion in new funding for solar energy projects.

Launched in 2012, Cuomo’s NY-Sun Initiative has already been a tremendous success, with almost 300 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic capacity installed or under development, more than was installed in the entire decade prior to the program.

Now with another major financial boost, Cuomo aims to install 3,000 (MW) of solar across New York.


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Stanford Professor on Letterman: Powering Entire World on Renewable Energy No Problem - by Brandon Baker - December 31, 2013

It wasn’t what Professor Mark Jacobson was saying—if you’re an advocate of renewable energy, you hear this kind of talk on a daily basis—as much as it was the platform. Solar and wind energy simply don’t get the late-night limelight.

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Rockaway Resilience Network Activities

The Rockaway Resilience Network has engaged a full set of actvities for 2014 to address the Rockaways' mission critical gaps and to move the community toward sustainability.  


For more information, go to:


For those seeking to actively help the Rockaways improve its resilience and sustainability, please consider coming to one of the upcoming Rockaway Resilience Roundtable meetings, or help with the Rockaways' neighborhood resilience assessments.




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