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Post-Sandy Statistics

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submitted by Mike Taylor

Niederhoffer Foundation/MJE Sandy Relief - by Laura Egan - November 28, 2012

• 229,526 households applied for FEMA Assistance.
• 80,000 households eligible for FEMA temporary relocation assistance/extended hotel stay.
• 800 homes currently in the program from the Rockaways, about 2500 total.
• 6,000 homes on waiting list for NYC Rapid Repairs program.
• 12,000 LIPA meters still without power in the Rockaways = 12,000 families
• 6000 homes and 600 apartment buildings estimated still without power in NYC according to a different source (both current).
• 130,000 – total population of Rockaway Peninsula.
• 2,837 – number of homes in Breezy Point severely damaged by flooding. 111 completely burned.
• 1,800 – number of rooms on the average cruise ship (during Katrina, 3 vessels obtained for 6mth pd).
• 10% - average FEMA % of families that ‘fall between the cracks’ in the system.
• 57 – number of damaged substations that needed to be repaired by LIPA (4 were in the Rockaways)
• $664M – FEMA current spending on Sandy victims ( divide by applicants = $3K per home)

howdy folks
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