Overview of the countries that are vaccinating children against Covid-19

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(CNN) Schools are in session, Covid-19 restrictions are being relaxed en masse and the Delta variant is raging worldwide, creating a maelstrom of confusion for parents on how to best protect their unvaccinated children.

Data from earlier in the pandemic showed that children are less likely to become seriously ill. The emergence of Delta has been a game changer, however, destroying the myth that healthy kids can't get hit hard by the virus.
While many high-income nations, including the United States and most members of the European Union, now offer Covid vaccines for children 12 and older, a handful of countries have now authorized the shot for younger people. Meanwhile, severe vaccine inequality persists on a global level, with many developing nations continuing to struggle to provide first and second doses to high-risk groups -- with the very idea of getting shots to children still a pipe dream.
    Here's a global snapshot of where things stand:  ...
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