Picking Up After Sandy (with video)

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Picking Up After Sandy (with video)

Hurricane Sandy has come, gone and left a huge swath of the east coast reeling. Into that breach roll the waste collectors, gathering the debris, assembling and removing the waste scattered in the storm – doing their part to set things back to rights.

It’s virtually impossible to miss the pictures and the video of Sandy’s aftermath, and the damage is staggering. But we want to hear from those of you working on the front lines: the drivers, the collection workers, the operations managers – anyone with firsthand knowledge of the on-the-ground situation. What are you seeing? What challenges are you facing? Is it largely business as usual, or are you having to find creative ways to service your customers? We want to hear your stories, pictures and videos. Please share them by commenting here, contacting us via Facebook or Twitter, or emailing us.

In the meantime, may the rest of us keep those affected and the men and women aiding them in our thoughts and prayers.

Below: New York Department of Sanitation workers make creative use of a rear loader to clear trees felled by Hurricane Sandy in Brooklyn.


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