Doctors of the World Opens First U.S. Clinic in Rockaways - by Henry Chang - September 12, 2013

While Hurricane Sandy was 10 months ago, the storm's damage continues to impact individuals on a daily basis. It is estimated that nearly 60% of healthcare providers still remain closed due to storm damage.

Doctors of the World USA's (MdM USA) initial efforts following the storm were centered on identifying local residents who lack access to healthcare and bringing volunteer doctors for home visits in the Rockaways section of Queens, NY. While deploying these services, the chronic deficit in healthcare infrastructure in the area has also become evident.

Prior to the hurricane, the Rockaways already had federal designation as a Medically Underserved Area and a Health Professional Shortage Area. Twenty-two percent of area residents live below the poverty line and 24% lack consistent health insurance coverage.  

It is in response to this situational observation and direct community requests that MdM USA will open its free medical clinic, the Doctors of the World Rockaways Free Clinic in Rockaway Park, New York.

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What we learned from citizen response to Superstorm Sandy evacation orders and how this has impacted the way we issue storm warnings

As Superstorm Sandy approached, and residents in coastal areas from Maryland to Connecticut were ordered to evacuate, many residents chose to stay put.  There are various reasons for this and analysis of these reasons has led to changes in the way storm warnings are now issued and will be issued in the future.

[Read entire article]

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Coastal, Riverbank Homeowners Brace for U.S. Flood Insurance Hike


A home destroyed during the landfall of Superstorm Sandy is pictured in Mantoloking, New Jersey March 22, 2013.  Credit: REUTERS/Lucas Jackson - by Barbara Liston - September 24, 2013

(Reuters) - More than a million homeowners living in older houses along the coastlines and riverbanks of the United States are being jolted by federal flood insurance rate hikes under a law passed in the wake of devastating storms.

Carol Giovannoni, 51, of St. Pete Beach, a barrier island community off Florida's west coast, is one of the people dreading October 1, when the law takes effect. Giovannoni said the annual flood insurance premium on her standard 1950s concrete-block, ranch-style home on the waterfront will jump from $1,700 to $15,000 over the next few years.


CLICK HERE - Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012

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Food & Assistance Guides - September 23, 2013

Each year, the New York City Coalition Against Hunger produces updated, comprehensive guides, also known as "street sheets," to free food access in specific neighborhoods within the five boroughs.

Each guide also contains a map showing the locations of SNAP/Food Stamp office(s) and WIC site(s), as well as local soup kitchens, food pantries and farmers’ markets that accept food stamps as payment.

The Coalition is pleased to provide copies of the guides for you to download and print out.

- Read Guides Here -

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Urban Resilience in an Era of Climate Change: Global Input for Local Solutions

The National Park Service, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the City University of New York, and Natural Areas Conservancy are pleased to announce the Urban Resilience in an Era of Climate Change: Global Input for Local Solutions symposium at Kingsborough College, Brooklyn on October 17-18, 2013.

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Battles Escalate Over Community Efforts to Ban Fracking


Protesters converged on Dimock, Pennsylvania, in 2011 over the effects of fracking on residents' water. Now an increasing number of communities are seeking to ban fracking outright, sparking court battles.  Photograph by Nina Berman/NOOR/Redux

Obama's trip to fracking territory underscores the controversy. - by Joe Eaton - August 22, 2013

As President Obama visits upstate New York and northeastern Pennsylvania this week to discuss his education agenda, a separate issue looms large in the background: fracking, a practice that has transformed Pennsylvania's economy and divided New York, where a moratorium is in place.

Protesters on both sides of the issue are expected to greet the President. And while his trip highlights many unresolved issues related to America's new wealth of natural gas and oil, a growing number of communities are taking matters into their own hands.


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Report: A New Direction - Our Changing Relationship with Driving and the Implications for America’s Future

Released by: U.S. PIRG Education Fund Release date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Driving Boom—a six decade-long period of steady increases in per-capita driving in the United States—is over.

Americans drive fewer total miles today than we did eight years ago, and fewer per person than we did at the end of Bill Clinton’s first term. The unique combina­tion of conditions that fueled the Driving Boom—from cheap gas prices to the rapid expansion of the workforce during the Baby Boom generation—no longer exists. Meanwhile, a new generation—the Mil­lennials—is demanding a new American Dream less dependent on driving.


Report:  A New Direction - Our Changing Relationship with Driving and the Implications for America’s Future (69 page .PDF file)

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Guidance for Community Reconstruction Zone Plans - A Planning Toolkit for CRZ Planning Committees

Through the Community Reconstruction Zone
(CRZ) Program, New York State is assisting communities
to rebuild better and safer based on community-
driven plans that consider current damage,
future threats to community assets, and the community’s
economic future. In keeping with the National
Disaster Recovery Framework, CRZ Plans will consider
the needs, risks, and opportunities related to
assets in the following categories of recovery support
functions: Community Planning and Capacity
Building, Economic Development, Health and Social
Services, Housing, Infrastructure, and Natural and
Cultural Resources.

By completing a successful Plan, each participating
community will position itself to obtain funding to
implement that Plan to improve the community’s

NY - Recovery Resources Center

Guidance for Community Reconstruction Zone Plans -
A Planning Toolkit for CRZ Planning Committees
(81 page .PDF report)

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'Recycle Everything' campaign launches across NYC - Nicole Wrona - July 30, 2012

New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, announced a campaign with the tagline "Recycle Everything." 

The new program promotes a breadth of recycling options, including food waste composting and the recycling of both e-waste and rigid plastics.

Additional sustainability efforts include the Re-Fashion campaign, a program implemented this year that promotes recycling clothing and textiles in the city.

- Read Full Article -

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The Salvation Army (TSA) - Launching Disaster Case Management (DCM) Program for Qualified Staten Island Residents Impacted by Hurricane Sandy

submitted by Dennis McKeon -

Salvation Army Sandy Case Management

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Predicting What Could Happen if Hurricane Hits

                                          - July 19, 2013

A Sandia National Laboratories team is gearing up for hurricane season, readying analyses to help people in the eye of a storm. The team has two jobs: conducting annual “hurricane swath” analyses of probable impacts on the Gulf Coast and East Coast, and providing quick analyses of crisis response in the face of an imminent hurricane threat to the United States. A swath analysis looks at how a hurricane might interrupt critical services and at impacts to infrastructure specific to an area, such as petroleum and petrochemical industries in Houston or financial services in New York City. It also looks at such things as the economic impact of the storm or how it could upset food deliveries.

Sandy Recovery Progress

submitted by Dennis McKeon -

SI Community and Interfaith LTRO Updates

submitted by Karen Jackson

Hello All,

Minutes from our general meeting on July 24th are attached.

Here are some important pre-weekend updates:

The first of three LTRO sponsored help fairs is tomorrow, Saturday, July 27th from 10am-2pm at Home Depot, 2750 Veterans Rd. W.FEMA individual assistance, disaster case management, World Renew, Red Cross, Project Hope, Single Stop, and many others will be offering services. There will also be a DJ and hot dogs! Councilman Ignizio will be stopping in from 10am-11am.

Our World Renew team has already been diligently conducting a needs assessment survey around the island. LTRO members will be asked to respond to ‘immediate need’ cases as they are discovered. Residents with remaining recovery needs can connect with World Renew at the HUBS and resource centers listed in the attached flyer.

The Coming Back Stronger Workshop on resources and incentives for businesses has been moved to Tuesday, July 30th from 6-8:30pm at New Dorp High School. The first 50 attendees will receive a free one year of identity theft protection. Attendees will be entered into a drawing for a grant for a free website or tech marketing package for a business affected by hurricane Sandy. English and Russian flyers are attached.

Slow Ideas - Some Innovations Spread Fast. How Do You Speed the Ones That Don’t?

We yearn for frictionless, technological solutions. But people talking to people is still the way that norms and standards change. Illustration by Harry Campbell. - by Atul Gawande - July 29, 2013

. . . In our era of electronic communications, we’ve come to expect that important innovations will spread quickly. Plenty do: think of in-vitro fertilization, genomics, and communications technologies themselves. But there’s an equally long list of vital innovations that have failed to catch on. The puzzle is why.


EPA - National Stormwater Calculator

submitted by Albert Gomez

EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator is a desktop application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site anywhere in the United States (including Puerto Rico). Estimates are based on local soil conditions, land cover, and historic rainfall records.

It is designed to be used by anyone interested in reducing runoff from a property, including


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